
Details dog training is located on 4 acres of quiet country property , near St. Thomas Ontario. We offer positive reward based training for agility, obedience and rally-o as well as rental of our indoor  and outdoor training facilities. We offer AAC  dog agility trials both at home and selected nearby venues
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Upcoming trials 

Details Starter Advanced trial, outdoors, July 28, 2024. Judge Debby DaCosta

This trial  is now closed and full

Final entries are listed here.

If there is no checkmark (v) beside your name , I have not confirmed your height card. If you have one that is complete ie final height circled. Please send a photo of both halves of your card. If you need measurement day of trial, please teach your dog to stand quietly. 


Details AAC outdoors Aug 24, 25, 2024. Judge Billie McLean. New offering! Biathlon Agility + JWW course designer Aaron Froude. Trial opens July 11, Closes August 1 limited entry

Premium available here

Online entry available here Details August 24-25 2024 Entry Form - Google Forms

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